Board of Advisor
Board of Advisor have a functionality to guide Student Board of creating programs, so the programs could be in line with the value of Student Board.

Anetta Nathania Sutedjo
Board of Advisor Student Board

Daniel Wijaya Soewito
Board of Advisor Student Board

I Made Wiyustadha Dwi A.
Board of Advisor Student Board

Muhammad Aditya Febrian
Board of Advisor Student Board
Board of Executive
PERIOD 2024/2025
Make Student Board as a family that can assist in developing an identity of Prasmulyan CHAIN (Caring, Humility, Achieving, Integrity, and Non-discrimination) and raising awareness of Prasmulyan as the part of the Student Board.

Birgitta Graciella
President of Student Board 2024/2025
William Hakim
Vice President of Student Board 2024/2025

Mercy Tjandera
Secretary I
Edeline Natasampurna
Secretary II

Felicia Christalyn
Secretary III

Elbert Putra Cipta
Treasurer I

Michael Kurnia Wibawa
Treasurer II